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Y Fforwm

Y Fforwm

Station Road, Llanrwst ,
Hyfforddiant wedi ei deilwra i chi?– Conwy Wledig Ydych chi yn unigolyn, yn rhan o fudiad cymunedol neu’n fusnes sy’n byw neu’n gweithredu yng Nghonwy wledig? A hoffech chi gael cyfle i dderbyn hyfforddiant ? Hoffech chi gael cymorth ar gyfer talu am yr hyfforddiant yma? Mae cymorth ar gael i dalu am hyfforddiant ar eich cyfer. Gall fod yn hyfforddiant mewn grŵp fel criw o staff Cylch Meithrin sydd angen tystysgrifau cymorth cyntaf neu’n hyfforddiant arbenigol fel materion egni adnewyddol. Gallwn ddarparu hyfforddiant ar gyfer criwiau bach ac mewn rhai achosion ar gyfer unigolion yn eich cymuned. Rydym yn agored i drafod eich syniadau chi am beth hoffech wneud. Mae gan Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ystafelloedd dosbarth braf yn adeilad Glasdir, Llanrwst. Byddwn yn cynnig nifer o gyrsiau newydd o Ionawr 2013, gan gynnig pethau gwahanol iawn fel ‘Rheoli tyrchod daear’, ‘Cyflwyniad i weithio fel cymhorthydd dosbarth’ a nifer o gyrsiau cyfrifiadurol ar gyfer bobl lefel o ddealltwriaeth. Byddwn hefyd yn ffurfio ‘Fforwm’ ar gyfer darparwyr hyfforddi sy’n gweithredu yng Nghonwy Wledig, bydd hyn yn gyfle i rannu gwybodaeth ac i adnabod anghenion mewn darpariaeth lleol. Byddwn yn cyfarfod yn fisol, cysylltwch a Ffion ar y manylion isod i gael mwy o wybodaeth ac i ymuno a ni. Un o brif amcanion y prosiect yma ydi i roi’r dewis i chi, beth hoffech chi weld fel hyfforddiant ar eich cyfer chi a’ch cymuned. Mae’r prosiect yma’n cael ei ariannu’n rhannol trwy’r Cynllun Datblygu Gwledig sy’n derbyn cyllid gan yr UE a Llywodraeth Cymru. Os hoffech wybod mwy ac i drafod eich syniadau, cysylltwch a Ffion Alun ar 01492 546 666 est 723 neu neu @TrainingConwy Tailored training for you? – Rural Conwy If you are an individual, are part of a community group or a business, who lives or operates in areas of rural Conwy? Would you like the opportunity to access training? Would you like support to fund this training? Support is available to pay for training for you. This could be training in a group, ie as part of Cylch Meithrin who need first aid certificates or specialist training for you as an individual in renewable energy matters. We can provide training for small groups or sometimes for individuals in your local community if appropriate. We are ready to discuss your ideas about which training would be beneficial. Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has comfortable classrooms in Glasdir, Llanrwst. We will offer many new courses form January 2013, including very different things such as ‘Managing Moles’, ‘Introduction to Working as a Classroom Assistant’ and many computer courses for every level of ability. We will also be forming a ‘Forum’ for training providers who operate in Rural Conwy, this will be an opportunity to share information and to recognise local training needs. We will be meeting monthly, contact Ffion on the details below for more information. One of the projects’ objectives is being able to react to your specific needs or to the needs of those who live in Rural Conwy. This is an opportunity for you to have valuable courses in your local community. This project is part funded through the Rural Development Plan which is financed by the EU and Welsh Government. If you would like more information and to discuss your needs please contact Ffion Alun on 01492 546 666 est 723 or or @TrainingConwy
Llantwit and the Vale Bonsai

Llantwit and the Vale Bonsai

C/O The Old School, Wine Street, , Llantwit Major ,
For people to come along to share expertise in the art of Bonsai and to help newcomers learn how to design and care for their trees. Membership is £20-00 per year and £2 per meeting to cover cost of the hall etc. We meet on alternate Sundays from 10am to 4pm for more info call Don Knight on 01446 794529
Loanhead Walking Football for the Over 50's

Loanhead Walking Football for the Over 50's

Bayne Memorial Hall, Burleigh Crescent, Loanhead, Loanhead ,
Walking football is like ordinary indoor football except that running and walking is against the rules and results in a foul. Teams are normally four per team. All in all it is great fun
Chequers Catering

Chequers Catering

6 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Business Centre, Edinburgh ,
We are a family run outside catering business with over 25 years experience catering within the Edinburgh and the Lothians. We also have a cafe in Loanhead in which you can sit in or take away. We also Handmake and wholesale a selection of pies and savouries.


The Kabin 5 Mayburn Walk, Loanhead ,
Our main objective is to create meaningful and relevant opportunities for young people in Midlothian in music and digital arts. We hope to be a launchpad for budding musicians, producers and bands and provide them with expert advice and mentoring to help them fulfil their potential. All our tutors and project workers are very active within the music industry, with years of experience behind them and are all on hand to ensure everyone every participant gets the best guidance and support. For more information, just drop us a line!
Lochgelly - Loch of Shining Waters

Lochgelly - Loch of Shining Waters

Lochgelly, Lochgelly ,
Lochgelly - Loch of Shining Waters is a multi-user blog that allows anyone from the local community to create and share their own articles about Lochgelly. Developed by a core group of volunteers and
Colleague Council at Lochgilphead Resource Centre

Colleague Council at Lochgilphead Resource Centre

Colleague Council, Lochgilphead Resource Centre, Lochgilphead. We are a group of people who like to organise events, have our say and have a good time.
Elfs Toy Library

Elfs Toy Library

Community Centre, Manse Brae, Lochgilphead ,
Toy library based in Lochgilphead, run by Fyne Families, a voluntary sector, parent run, charitable company. Our purpose is to support families in Mid Argyll and to provide good quality play and learn
Mid Argyll Youth Development Services

Mid Argyll Youth Development Services

50 a Union Street, Lochgilphead ,
The Mid Argyll Youth Development Services offers educational and recreational services to young people throughout Mid Argyll.