Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

Pedal - Portobello Transition Town

Pedal - Portobello Transition Town

38 Baileyfield Road , Edinburgh ,
We are a Portobello-based com munity organ isa tion. Formed in 2005, we are a com pany lim ited by guar an tee. We are work ing to cre ate a vibrant, sus tain able Portobello which can help com bat cli mate change and reduce fossil fuel use through a pro cess of re-localisation. This means, for example: grow ing more of our own food; gen er at ing our own energy; cre at ing a wider range of jobs and leis ure oppor tun it ies close to home, find ing ways to get to ‘zero waste’… By cre at ing a sus tain able local eco nomy, we’ll all get more out of liv ing here–and help the planet at the same time. Drop into our office at Unit 1, The Stables, 38 Baileyfield Road, or browse this web site to find out what pro jects you might want to become involved in, become a mem ber, or come to our next meet ing. There’s a lot going on–and there’ll be even more if you get involved!
Portobello to Cardiff (Vintage Knitwear)

Portobello to Cardiff (Vintage Knitwear)

Senghennydd Court, Cardiff ,
Vintage woolen knitwear available to be collected anywhere near Cardiff University. The pieces displayed fetch anything between £35-50 at the Portobello Market. Each item is unique, so anyone interested will be able to specify which size, colour and style they would like.
Macnabs Inn

Macnabs Inn

Bank Street, Portree ,
Macnabs Inn is a friendly bar in Portree, Isle of skye. Check here for regular news and details of upcoming events and promotions.
Portrush Lifeboat Station

Portrush Lifeboat Station

Kerr Street, Portrush ,
Chair of Lifeboat Management Committee is James Heaney; Operations Manager is Robin Cardwell, Cox Des Austin and Mechanic Anthony Chambers;2nd Deputy Cox Mark Mitchell;Des Austin; Perry Walton. Medical Advisor Dr Paul Carlin. Lifeboat Training Co-ordinator: Des Austin DLA s Mike Matthews; Keith Gilmore: Willie McAuley Lifeboat House Manager Fred Williams Relief Mechanics David Conley Lifeboat Press Officer/Admin Officer Judy Nelson Chair of Fundraising Team, Shelley Pinkerton; Vice Chair, Maryna Wylie; Secretary Pat Storey.


Local businesses, arts, crafts, events.
Ballywillan Drama Group, Portrush

Ballywillan Drama Group, Portrush

Ballywillan Drama Group is a church based organisation located in Portrush, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. It is part of Holy Trinity Church and is named after the parish of Ballywillan that the Church serves, however from these small beginnings, the group has flourished into an award-winning interdenominational society.
The Portrush Poet

The Portrush Poet

Takes requests and posts poetry for all.