Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

RIO Recycling in Ottery

RIO Recycling in Ottery

Exeter Road, Ottery Saint Mary ,
R.I.O. is YOUR award-winning not-for-profit community organisation that wants your unwanted furniture, bric-a-brac and white goods - in fact most things that are in a good, clean and fully-working condition. We are then able to sell these goods to our local community at bargain prices. Lots cheaper than most charity shops! The yard is open 7 days a week, and there is plenty of room for cars. We have a large van for both pick-ups and deliveries should you need either. In fact, if you have any sort of enquiry give us a call and our friendly staff will be very happy to help and advise you. Please note, there are some things that we cannot take: hazardous waste, old tellies, monitors etc. Call us now on 01404 815825 or come and visit our premises just past St Saviours Bridge. Open: Mon-Sat 9-4 Sun 10-4 New stuff is constantly coming in - visit our yard regularly to see what's changed!
Ouseburn Press

Ouseburn Press

I am planning to set up as a not-for-profit distibutor of zines and small press publications. I am also going to run a stall at various events around the North-East of England.
Volunteering in Ouseburn

Volunteering in Ouseburn

The Ouseburn Valley is a thriving community in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, located near the city's famous quayside. Much of what makes Ouseburn great is thanks to the volunteer led projects that run throughout the area, and the passion and commitment of the volunteers who live, work and play there. Here you can find out more about the fantastic work the volunteers are doing in the Ouseburn Valley, and the projects and institutions that they are part of. Plus get involved yourself, and become part of the Ouseburn volunteering community.
Friends Action North East

Friends Action North East

C/O Ouseburn Farm, Ouseburn Road (off Lime Street), Newcastle upon Tyne ,
Friends Action North East supports adults with learning disabilities in the North East of England to make and keep friends. FANE aims to be a champion for friendship. FANE was established in 2004, in Newcastle upon Tyne and the sole purpose of our team is to help adults in the North East of England with learning disabilities to make and keep friends. For more information please visit our website to learn more about FANE and to find out how we can help you or someone you know.
Newcastle Children Studio LT

Newcastle Children Studio LT

Ouseburn Road, Newcastle upon Tyne ,
Mes dirbame su lietuviškai, tiek su rusiškai kalbančiais vaikais pagrinde nuo 5 iki 10 metų, bet su džiaugsmu laukiame ir visai mažų, ir didesnių vaikų, jų tėvelių ar net senelių! Mūsų užsiėmimai vyksta kiekvieną šeštadienį nuo 12:00 iki 14:00 valandos Ouseburn’o Fermos patalpose. Šiek tiek plačiau apie mūsų užsiėmimus ir mus pačias: Mūsų atidžiai parengti kūrybiniai-lavinantys projektai padeda mažyliams vystyti pastabumą, atmintį, vaizduotę, pasitikėjimą savimi bei savo gebėjimais. Keletas pavyzdžių, su kuo mes susipažįstame piešimo užsiėmimų metu: • Pagrindinėmis piešimo priemonėmis ir medžiagomis • Spalvine gama: piešimo dažais ir teisingu jų maišymu, norint išgauti įvairius atspalvius • Piešimu pieštukais ir guašu • Tapybos žanrais: portretu, peizažu, natiurmortu, grafika ir gyvūnų tapymo žanru • Paveikslo technika: skirtingų figūrų formomis ir proporcijomis bei jų atradimu įvairiuose objektuose Keletas pavyzdžių, kuo mes užsiimame meninių darbelių metu: • Lipdome iš plastelino arba tešlos • Lankstome origami • Gaminame atvirukus, žaisliukus eglutei papuošti, linksmus segtukus ir dėžutes bei pomponus • Žaidžiame su mozaikos, koliažo bei kvilingo technikomis Apie mus: Karina Popova / Meninė vadovė & Gintarė Čepinskaitė / Asistentė – Dot to Dot Active Arts menininkų tinklo narės Mes abi turime: Safeguarding Children Level One sertifikatus bei DBS (CRB) pažymas Каrina: Aš, kaip menininkė, visuomet ieškau naujų kūrybos krypčių. Pagal profesiją esu iliustratorė ir grafikos dizainerė. Mane visuomet domino vaikų vizualioji komunikacija. Šį metodą vaikai paprastai naudoja ankstyvojoje vaikystėje. Piešimo pagalba jie perteikia savo vidinius išgyvenimus, jausenas apie juos supantį pasaulį: ir taip bendrauja vieni su kitais bei vyresniosios kartos atstovais. Bedirbant su vaikais aš galvoju apie vizualiosios komunikacijos naudą jų vystymuisi. Todėl mes ruošiame tokius projektus, kurie yra ne tik be galo smagūs, bet taip pat padeda atsiskleisti jūsų atžalų talentams. Gintarė: Laisvu metu aš piešiu, neriu, užsiimu fotografija arba laisvąja muzikine improvizacija. Piešimo bei įvairios meninės technikos mokiausi Jūratės Stauskaitės dailės mokykloje, na o vašeliu nerti mane išmokino močiutė. Meninio įkvėpimo semiuosi gamtoje: lankydama nacionalinius parkus, pajūrius; taip pat beieškodama įdomių miesto erdvių; lankydama muziejus ir galerijas. Labai džiaugiuosi būdama Splash Studio dalimi ir galėdama savo žinias bei įgūdžius panaudoti vaikų vystymuisi lavinti. Iki pasimatymo užsiėmimuose!
Overseal Kindling

Overseal Kindling

Moira Road, Swadlincote ,
Hand Chopped, Excellent Quality, Sustainability Sourced Kindling delivered straight to your door!
Oxford Wheels Project

Oxford Wheels Project

Meadow Lane, Oxford ,
OWP is a registered charity that provide free wheeled sports facilities for Oxford. Since 2001 OWP has funded, built and maintained the Meadow Lane Ramps. In 2012 work finally began on redeveloping the site into a concrete skate park.
Oxford Forró

Oxford Forró

Freud, Oxford, 119 Walton St, Oxford ,
Our class is OPEN LEVEL so don't worry if you've never done forro before or you are an experienced forrozeiro! We will tailor the night to the needs of our students. The venue is open to everyone (we'll be there from 7pm until they throw us out), so come along for class, for a few dances after or just to have a drink and find out more. We are thrilled to announce that our teacher will be Carlos André of Forro London! Carlos André has over twelve years of experience teaching Forro. He has weekly classes for all levels at different venues in London, Birmingham and Milton Keynes in addition to private individual lessons. Andre plays a central role in the Forró scene in London, organizing great Forró concerts, secret Forró nights and is the host of the annual Forró festival in London (April!!!...still time to buy tickets!). He also won awards for the Best UK Forró teacher 2010 and 2011. It's great that he has agreed to come all the way up to bring Forró to Oxford so let's make the most of him being here and show him a good welcome! For more details on Forro in London contact André directly through: We look forward to seeing all on the 15th April!
Nocturnal Oxford

Nocturnal Oxford

Oxted Pram Race

Oxted Pram Race

Master Park, Church Lane, Oxted ,
The Pram Race has been run since 1977. The ultimate objective of the Pram Race is to raise money for local causes, but having fun in the process. In fact participating in the event is quite simple – all you have to pay is an entry fee and ask family and friends to sponsor you to run the two thirds of a mile from Master Park to The Bell in Old Oxted High Street, however… …you do need to push a pram in fancy dress and stop at each of the seven licensed premises on the way, where you have to down a drink as fast as you can! There are prizes as well as penalties for how well you do.