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Kilton Thorpe School

Kilton Thorpe School

Marshall Drive , Brotton ,
welcome Welcome to Kilton Thorpe School’s Website. I hope that the information here provides you with some basic information about Kilton Thorpe School, our curriculum and our ethos. Website's of course have their limitations and I would advise you to arrange a visit to school if you are considering a place here for your child. At Kilton Thorpe we are pleased to show prospective parents/carers round and answer any of your questions. You can arrange a visit by telephoning school or calling in person. Kilton Thorpe is a school which caters for approximately 110 LEA pupils with a wide range of special needs/learning difficulties; Profound and multiple Severe Moderate Communication Emotional and behavioural Autistic Complex At Kilton Thorpe we have a distinctly separate Primary department (Key Stage 1 and 2) Secondary department (Key Stage 3 and 4) and a thriving 6th Form unit (ages 16 to 19 years). In addition we run two PMLD Home Bases and two Autistic Home Bases. A note from the Headteacher: We have a multi-disciplinary team consisting of specially trained staff in nursing, physiotherapy and speech therapy. We have a range of specialist resources including speech therapy room, physiotherapy room, medical room, hydrotherapy pool, library, soft play area, ball pool, ICT suite, food technology room and specialist art facilities. I hope the information enclosed helps you to make that vital decision concerning the correct place for your child, we look forward to meeting you and your child when you arrange to visit us. eadteacher: Kevin Thompson Deputy Headteacher: Brian Richardson Senior Management Team: Karen Jackson - 6th Form Kate Watson- Secondary Nikki Daniels - Primary Plus Teaching Staff: Brian Richardson Julie Sievert Tessa Woodford Chris Watson Gwyneth Ireland Karen Jackson Judith Barber Sarah Gunn Kate Watson Alexis Johnson Suzanne Laver Nikki Daniels Joan Fowle Josephine Gardner Cath Wright Teaching Assistants: Alison Bettson Beverley Pope Linda Stevenson Maggie Troupe Beryl Flattley Margaret Simpson Katie McMahon Jenni Reamsbottom Wendy Carrick Paula Limon Diane Russell Jane Dowey Irene Horn Margaret Parker Adam Reamswood Pupil Support: Pauline Pearse Pauline Phoenix Patricia Maynard Alice Shipley Dawn Longster Amanda Walker Pam Chester Faye Scollett Pauline Ditchburn Pam Dales Angela Young Sandra Gell Amanda Curd Jon Foster Lucy Hall Richard Bailes Claire Smith Veronica Tait Karen Holmes Marion Dodderidge Office Manager/Bursar Administrative Assistants: Brenda McCabe Deborah Marshall Steph Shelley Reprographics ICT Support Assistant: Michelle Donnelly John Holley Site Manager Site Attendant: Barrie Clark Alan Jones Midday Supervisors: Carol Shaw (Senior) Jeanette Watson Gaye Johnson Carol Cuthbert Marian Doddridge Barbara Brown Barbara French Corrine Lonsdale Michelle Donnelly Di Powell Chair of Governors: Cllr Brian Hogg Governors: Mrs Frances Brown Mrs Maggie Hadland Mrs Patricia Maynard Mrs Julie Sievert Ms Joanne Thompson Mrs Shirley Hicks Cllr Brian Hogg Mrs R E Jackson Mrs W Forster Cllr Val Miller Health Professionals: Anthony Harnett - School Nurse Lorraine Green - Physiotherapist Angela Thornton - Physiotherapist Assistant Helen Lord- Speech & Language Therapist Linda Watts - Speech & Language Therapist Assistant Kerry Breary - Community Nurse Dr Morritt - Medical Officer Jim Colwell - Education Psychologist Christine Armstrong- Occupational Therapist admissions Kilton Thorpe admits pupils throughout the school year as admission is arranged on an individual basis. Referrals come into school via the LEA then arrangements are made for parents and pupils to visit school. For very young pupils, or those who would find the transition difficult, a phased or part time admission is arranged to address the individual needs of the pupil. Organisation: Kilton Thorpe school is an all age day school for pupils with statements of special educational needs. Most pupils are transported to and from school on LEA provided transport and all pupils stay for school lunch or bring a packed lunch. School starts at 9.00 am and finishes at 3.10 pm, we have 1 hour for lunch break and a 15 minute break during the morning. Parents are informed of school holiday arrangements and school training days in advance by letter from school. Kilton Thorpe school supports the view that appropriate behaviour is necessary for the social and academic development of the pupils. Successful teaching and learning is based upon appropriate behaviour and discipline. At Kilton Thorpe we have three clear principles related to behaviour: Discouraging any form of anti-social, inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour. Celebrating good, appropriate and acceptable behaviour at every opportunity. Addressing unacceptable behaviour within a positive, clear structure, which is understood by all. We hope parents/carers will support us by encouraging similar appropriate behaviour at home. Records are kept of any incidents of unacceptable behaviour. Less serious incidents will be dealt with by staff in school, more serious incidents will be reported to parents and they may be invited into school to discuss what action should be taken. School has a Reward and Behaviour Policy which is available to all parents on request. Parents will be invited to sign our Home/School agreement which outlines the support we give each other. assessments Pupils are assessed in all areas on a regular basis. Formal assessments are completed and recorded annually. Individual Education Plan targets are reviewed and updated termly. Kilton Thorpe offers a range of routes to accredited qualifications including ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network) and AQA (Assessment and Qualification Authority) Unit Awards. All reporting is in accordance with Department of Education guidelines and parents are provided with an annual school report and invited to an annual review meeting. arents / carers Kilton Thorpe believes in working closely with parents/carers and has an ‘open door’ policy. Parents/carers are welcome into school at any time, however if they wish to have a formal meeting with a member of staff we prefer prior warning to ensure pupils’ learning is not interrupted. If there is an urgent need to discuss any concerns then the Headteacher, Deputy or a member of the senior management team will always be available. Parents/carers are welcome to volunteer to support school in any way which is available to them and appropriate for school. A number of parents volunteer to assist in out of school educational visits, horse-riding and similar activities. Parents/carers are also invited to be members of the Kilton Thorpe Friends Association. Parents/carers are invited to sign our Home/School agreement which identifies the parts both parents and school play in the education of the pupils. departments The Primary department consists of three classes catering for children within the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. The curriculum is partly topic based and includes the daily numeracy and literacy lessons. Schemes of work are taken from the ‘Foundation Stage’ document and the National Curriculum but are adapted to meet individual needs. Children are encouraged to learn through practical activities and experiences with an emphasis on the development of personal and social skills. There are opportunities for integration with St Peter’s Junior and Infant School and we welcome visits from parents and friends. In the Secondary department the pupils continue to develop skills and knowledge acquired in the Primary department. The curriculum is subject based and taught in the main by subject specialists. The social, academic and emotional development of the pupils is nurtured by a varied and challenging curriculum, which includes residential visits and strong links with the community. This allows participation in events and festivals for sport, the arts and environmental issues. The Sixth Form is distinct from the rest of Kilton Thorpe School. It is on the same site as the school but is in a separate building and operates a separate curriculum and timetable to the main school. The Sixth Form aims at preparing the students for their adult life – it promotes independence, offers choice and encourages the students to make their own informed decisions and accept responsibility for their actions. The curriculum provides the students with the skills and basic qualifications needed for post-school life. Literacy and numeracy skills are taught along with practical home management, practical technology, careers, media studies, independent travel, life skills, local studies, PSHE, Asdan and AQA awards with Redcar & Cleveland College and other colleges in the area. The Sixth Form aims to develop mature and positive attitudes that will enable the students to have the best possible start to their adult lives. PMLD home base The PMLD Home Bases offer a ‘whole curriculum’ approach to teaching and learning. We work as a multidisciplinary team, consisting of teacher, assistants, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech and language therapist and school nurse, to provide a holistic approach to meet the needs of individual pupils. We offer developmental and experiential based access to the National Curriculum in conjunction with alternative therapies such as Hydrotherapy, Rebound Therapy (trampolining) and Riding for the Disabled. Pupils also have access to a soft play area and sensory room. In the base we use augmented communication which consists of British Sign Language signing, Rebus symbols, Pictorial Exchange Communication System and Objects of Reference. Opportunities for inclusion with age-appropriate peers, throughout school, are available where accessible. autistic home base The Autistic Home Bases accommodate pupils, who are on the Autistic Spectrum. The teaching styles and classroom layout are specific to the needs of these pupils who have learning idiosyncrasies. The particular teaching methods found to be effective are T.E.A.C.C.H. (Training and Education of Autistic and Communicative Handicapped Children), and P.E.C.S (Pictorial Exchange Communication System). We believe these two approaches work well together. Each pupil has his or her own educational programme and their own desk where they work independently. There are opportunities for the pupils to integrate with their peers in other classes in appropriate lessons. Mathematics covers a wide range of experiences. At a very early age of development pupils have access to activities and materials intended to allow them to explore and understand the world around them. As they progress, children have a daily mathematics lesson (the Numeracy hour). This covers number, shape, space and measure and enables them to practice applying the skills they have learnt in solving problems. For older pupils, more emphasis is placed on using their mathematical knowledge in practical activities to prepare them for independent living. In English, primary and secondary pupils regularly follow the National Literacy Strategy. The Sixth Form students follow relevant accreditation routes (ASDAN Keyskills and elements from the ASDAN Bronze/Silver Awards). English is broken down into three key areas:Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing. Pupils are encouraged to develop their skills in all three areas using appropriate resources. As a core subject, English has a high profile throughout the school, and relates to the work carried out in all curriculum areas. In Science we aim to give all students the opportunity to think, learn and develop an interest and curiosity in the world around them through exploratory and investigative experiences and activities. Students are encouraged to develop an awareness of themselves and their environment and also understand the links between cause and effect,by developing their knowledge of the world they live in. Social and Health Education/Citizenship We aim to raise pupils’ confidence, help them to develop inter- kills and develop social skills which will prepare them for adult life. They cover a wide range of topics including friendship, conflict, citizenship, community issues, equal opportunities, health, drugs, safety, loss, and sex education. The ability level and understanding of each pupil is taken into account when the PSHE curriculum is delivered, allowing appropriate delivery for pupils at each stage of their development. Art, Craft and Design gives pupils the opportunity to study different elements of art and to work in 2D and 3D following National Curriculum guidelines. Pupils each have their own sketchbook to record their artistic development during their time in school. Often visits to areas of interest local to the school provide opportunities to sketch and paint. Outside artists are visitors to school at different times during the year. AQA (Assessments and Qualifications Authority) unit awards for higher key stages and ASDAN Bronze award is the accreditation route used for 6th Form pupils. In Physical Education we aim to develop physical competence and confidence and the ability to apply these skills to a range of activities. PE provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and to face up to challenges, either as an individual or as part of a group. Through PE we also promote positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles, as well as offering opportunities to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. At Kilton Thorpe School we provide a wide range of PE experiences; moreover, we have strong links to outside agencies as well as schools and clubs in the community. Our pupils regularly participate in festivals of Sport and take part in residential experiences at various establishments. Music is taught throughout the Primary and Secondary Departments. The emphasis is on singing with younger pupils and instrumental work with older pupils. The School has a large collection of instruments and all pupils have regular opportunities to be involved in all the National Curriculum elements of music including creativity, movement, dance and listening. We receive regular concerts and workshops from peripatetic teachers of the Tees Valley Music Service staff. The school takes part in the annual Redcar and Cleveland Schools’ Folk Festival which involves music and dance workshops in school and participation in a ceilidh for many lower secondary pupils. The main aim is for music to be enjoyed and staff work hard to achieve this aim. All pupils are involved in Religious Education. The scheme of work is based on the locally agreed syllabus for Redcar and East Cleveland. Younger pupils participate in listening to and acting out well-known Bible stories and simple topical stories from other religions. Older pupils learn about the world’s six main faiths. We have a good supply of religious artefacts, posters and videos which assist learning. In recent years pupils have been involved in visits to many local places of worship and visitors from different religious traditions have spent time in school helping pupils to understand aspects of their faith. Sixth Form pupils continue their religious education studies with modules of topic based research involving the main world religions. The aim is that pupils will leave Kilton Thorpe School with a basic idea of what is meant by religion and that they respect and tolerate the differing points of view held by people of different faiths. Design and Technology (includes Food Technology, Textile Technology, Resistant Materials Technology) allows pupils to work with a range of materials designing and making many different objects. National Curriculum guidelines are followed throughout the Key Stages and continued into the 6th Form where students are taught Design and Technology through Enterprise and ASDAN Bronze Award. AQA unit awards are being piloted next year and we hope these will provide a record of achievement for all of our Key Stage 4 pupils. Textile Technology is also taught following national curriculum guidelines. The textile area has been recently developed and offers all pupils the opportunity to work within a specialist area planning and designing soft furnishings and craft. AQA unit awards are to be introduced for higher Key Stages and ASDAN Awards and unit awards are the accreditation route used for 6th Form pupils. Food Technology is taught in the later Key Stages in a well resourced kitchen area. Work with food involves a study of nutrition, food buying and preparation, paying particular reference to value for money and the skills needed to enable pupils to prepare a simple meal for themselves. AQA unit awards are to be introduced for higher Key Stages and ASDAN Awards and unit awards are the accreditation routes used for 6th Form pupils. In Modern Foreign Languages our current target language is French. In our sessions Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils have the opportunity to develop their cultural awareness through the use of artefacts, videos, books, photographs and songs. They are also encouraged to develop and refine their skills in speaking and listening, reading and writing in the target language. This is developed in conjunction with our augmented communication approach (signing and symbols) where necessary. In the 6th Form students have the opportunity to further develop their language skills during a number of ASDAN modules. Humanities (Geography and History) helps pupils develop curiosity in and an understanding of, the past and themselves. Pupils learn about people and places and about recent past, and the distant past of other people and how their own role in the family and community has changed. In the Primary Dept the pupils study humanities is integrated and linked with other subjects. In the Secondary Dept they have individual History and Geography lessons. The 6th Form take humanities as an integrated subject which is accredited levels to ASDAN Awards. Careers education and guidance is provided to students from the age of 11+. It is concerned with giving the young people the knowledge and skills that enable them to make the best choices from the options available to them. It helps them to develop skills in personal presentation and decision making which the students will need when they leave school at the age of 19. Careers is also concerned with giving as wide an experience of what is available post 19 as possible. This will include work experience and/or visits to other suitable post school placements appropriate for the student. Information and Communication Technology prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. All pupils are given the opportunity to access this technology and develop their skills to the best of their abilities. ICT is taught using a variety of methods and techniques appropriate to each pupil’s needs and abilities. The ICT curriculum enables pupils to effectively analyse, process and present information and to mould, measure and model external events. It is also used to develop pupils capabilities across the whole curriculum. All pupils have access to networked computers in most teaching areas and they have timetabled sessions in the computer suite throughout the week. The ICT suite is also utilised by pupils during lunchtime and after school. The 6th Form curriculum reflects the age of the students. It covers numeracy and literacy skills and a range of other subjects which prepare students for life after school. The emphasis is on vocational opportunities and the skills for independent living. The pupils are offered an element of choice in our ‘options’ sessions. collective worship Collective Worship is an important part of the life and ethos of Kilton Thorpe school. Each week the whole school assembles to share and celebrate the success of individual pupils. During this time the ‘thought for the week’ is introduced and pupils have time to reflect on this. Daily time is also made for pupils to discuss and contemplate these thoughts. In addition there are weekly departmental assemblies. The local Rector is involved with the school, however, themes and issues raised are non denominational. Each year the school participates in Christmas Carol services at St Margaret’s Church in Brotton results Summer results 2004: ASDAN Youth Awards achieved X students ASDAN Towards Independence achieved X students OCR National Skills Profile achieved awaiting results AQA Unit Awards achieved X students End of Key Stage Results for Summer 2004: KS 1 KS 2 KS 3 KS4 English P3 = XX% P1 = X% P5 = XX% P6 = XX% P4 = XX% P2 = X% P7 = XX% P7 = XX% P5 = XX% P6 = X% P8 = XX% P8 = XX% P7 = X% NC1 = XX% P8 = X% Maths P3 = XX% P1 = X% P7 = XX% P6 = XX% P4 = XX% P2 = X% P8 = XX% P8 = XX% P6 = XX% P7 = X% NC1 = XX% NC2 = XX% P8 = X% NC1 = X% Science P3 = XX% P2 = XX% P7 = XX% P7 = XX% P4 = XX% P4 = X% P8 = XX% P8 = XX% P5 = XX% P5 = X% NC1 = XX% P6 = X% P7 = XX% P8 = XX% student council At Kilton Thorpe we have a thriving Student Council, which is made up of 2 committees. The Upper council, which comprises the 6th Form representatives, and the Lower Council, which includes the Primary and Secondary pupil representatives. There are also representatives from the PMLD and the Autistic Home Bases on the committees. The councils have two main purposes. Firstly it ties in with aspects our PSHE and Citizenship curriculum by introducing the concepts of living in a democracy and being bound by the rules of this (constitution) etc. It also gives pupils a flavour of what it is like voting and taking part in a real election. Just as importantly it helps empower the pupils and encourages the idea that individuals can make a difference and bring about change. Pupils elect to stand and are nominated and seconded by fellow pupils and an election day is set so that all pupils get an opportunity to vote. The school becomes a polling station for the day and we usually have PC Eric Green in attendance and use an official ballot box and polling booths. The elected pupils meet every half term and report back to the Governors and the whole school at the annual general meeting which is also used to thank the outgoing council and welcome the newly elected members. Last years council managed to bring about a number of changes including arranging for table clothes and individual plates and dishes to be used for the 6th Form lunches. The lower group also arranged to sell ice pops in the summer term during break times to raise money to purchase games to be used for break and lunch time. extra curricular activity Kilton Thorpe Friends Association is a registered charity. Membership consists of all staff of the school, parents, guardians, carers, grandparents, governors and friends. We raise funds for the pupils by providing social evenings (disco’s, charity events bingo) and engage in many activities which support the school and the local community. Summer School During the summer break Kilton Thorpe School runs a Summer school during the first two weeks of the school holidays for forty hours in total 30 pupils are offered places. It is run by members of the teaching staff and teaching assistants. Activities are wide ranging, some academic and others social. These include art and crafts, computer studies, reading skills, swimming, sports, as well as outings to local places of interest. After Hours Club All of our pupils are given the opportunity to participate in a weekly after hours club of their choice over a three year period at least once. All clubs are well staffed by staff who understand the various needs of the pupils. To date we have enjoyed sewing, art and craft, flower arranging, football, cartoon drawing, circus skills, cookery, batik, computers, drama, music and outings. We also hold a term of hydrotherapy, rebound therapy (trampoline), and sensory sessions for pupils who have more profound needs. Our pupils are given a picnic tea before the club starts and are transported home at the end of the session. Pupils learning is enhanced with new skills being taught and a new dimension being added to school life. School counselling service The school has two qualified counsellors on its staff and during the last two years the school has been operating a counselling service for the pupils. This service is in addition to the pastoral care that all the pupils receive from the tutor/classroom staff. The counselling gives the opportunity for individual pupils to talk with a member of staff who is not necessarily directly involved with them on a regular basis. To date we have had great successes and the feedback from the pupils’, staff and parents is very positive. For an individual pupil to receive counselling they need to be willing and we must have consent from the parent or guardian.
Warsett School

Warsett School

Linden Road , Brotton ,
Welcome to the Warsett School Facebook page! please enjoy it and add your school friends and catch up on old times!!
Brotton Toddlers

Brotton Toddlers

Badger Hill Primary School, Brotton ,
We can be found on Monday Mornings (09:30-11:00) at; Badger Hill Primary School Marston Road, Kilton Lane, Brotton Saltburn-by-the-Sea. TS12 2XR Ages: Birth to school starters Notes: Adult Supervision Required, Suitable for all Children Day: Monday Period: Term time only Times: Monday (09:30-11:00) Cost: FREE
Cleveland mobile car valeting

Cleveland mobile car valeting

PRICE LIST CAR VALET basic 1) Inside-£15 wash & wax-£10 BUNDLE PRICE--- £££35£££--- wheel shine-£5 outside hand polish-£15 advanced 2) inside-£15 wash & wax-£10 BUNDLE PRICE--- £££40£££--- wheel shine-£5 outside hand polish-£15 deep seat and carpet clean-£15 CARAVANS outside from £40 inside available upon request DRIVEWAYS/PATHS/PATIOS/DECKING free quotes available
Brotton workingmens club

Brotton workingmens club

hutchinson street, Brotton ,
a workingmen's club in the centre of brotton, with lounge bar, mens bar with pool/snooker&darts multiple TV's etc and a large function room bookable for parties and events, quiz night thursday, saturd


17, High Street, Brotton ,
If you are looking for a new piece of artwork then come and see us. Bring in your own ideas to the table or we can help you find the perfect one to suit you. I don't believe in wall flash as it doesn't express who you are, so here at New Ingk we try out hardest to customise each tattoo to suit you and make it that little more special. Our current rates at 45per/h for our launch. You must leave a deposit and have a valid i.d (Driving Licence/Passport). We DO NOT tattoo anyone under the age of 18 as it is against the law, so please do not try it, you will be checked for I.D. So please pop in! FREE tea and biscuits! :D Useful Information: - ATM is over the road - CO-OP - Mandy's Sarnies - Head First (Pete's Barbers) - Gary Playforth (Hair stylist) - Pharmacy (Sell Bepanthen) - Post Office - Butchers - Fish and Chip shop (Opening Soon) - A Couple of take-aways (after 5pm) - Bus stops right outside
Fabulously Shabby

Fabulously Shabby

FabShab sources good quality furniture to hand paint using either Farrow and Ball or Annie Sloan paint for that vintage/shabby chic style. Each piece is finished with Annie Sloan wax for durability. We also do customer commissions so if you have a tired piece of furniture that just needs a bit of a revamp then get in touch and we can give you a quote. Or if you are looking for something specific to fit in with your current decor we can try and source something suitable for you and paint to your own specifications
The Arches Country House

The Arches Country House

Low Farm, Brotton ,
Our rooms are a combination of single, twin, double and family rooms, all en-suite and with wireless internet available throughout the building. A 4-Poster en-suite room is also available
Polished 'n' Perfect

Polished 'n' Perfect

19 Medwin close, Brotton ,
Want a chip and smudge free polish that can last up to 21 days? Try harmony gelish polish. Available in lots of colours! Promotes healthy growth of the natural nail! Add glitter to any gelish polish for a super sparkly rockstar effect! Want something that stands out from the crowd?? Try a gelish polish with hand painted nail designs or Swarovski crystals! UV gel extensions are available in French, natural or coloured tips.
Adam Taylor Guitar Tuition

Adam Taylor Guitar Tuition

10 Ings Lane, Brotton ,
I provide one to one tuition in the Redcar & Cleveland area, stretching as far as Middlesbrough. If you are looking for a route into playing guitar, then I am developing a beginner programme perfect for you. If transport to your lesson is a problem then we can arrange to have your lesson at your home. Contact me now for a free half hour taster session, today! For convenient one-off lessons I charge £12/hr Alternatively Block book 5 lessons at £10/hr or 10 lessons at £8 an hour.
Embroidery with style

Embroidery with style

we undertake all embroidery large or small we can supply garments or you can use your own why not give us a call or visit our website