Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

English in Chester

English in Chester

9-11 Stanley Place, Chester , 9 Points of Excellence in British Council Inspection 2011.
Bowland High

Bowland High

Sawley Road, Grindleton ,
Welcome to Bowland High Facebook Page.
King Edward VI High School, Stafford

King Edward VI High School, Stafford

King Edward VI High School, is a High school located in the Highfields area of Stafford, England. The school has a sixth form, which has links with the Stafford Collegiate. In January 2008, the school became a specialist language college.IntroductionKing Edward VI High School is an 11 - 18 comprehensive school of about 1100 pupils on role of whom 150 are in the Sixth Form.Notable alumni include:Carol Ann Duffy, poet.James Sutton (born James Cook, 31 January 1983) - an English television actor, best known for playing the parts of John Paul McQueen in the British Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks and Ryan Lamb in the ITV soap Emmerdale.School historyKing Edward VI High School was formed by the amalgamation of King Edward VI Boys’ Grammar School and Stafford Girls’ High School in 1977, to create a comprehensive school. At the time, the Girls’ High School was extensively enlarged to accommodate the full range of students. The historic Grammar School buildings on Newport Road were handed over to Chetwynd middle school. The selection standards for admission were then abolished. The closure of the grammar school was opposed locally, and an independent Stafford Grammar School was founded in 1983 by parents as a continuation of the Grammar school.References Healthy School Status Specialist School Status in Languages 21st improved school nationally 2006 Ofsted report
Carr Hill High School

Carr Hill High School

Royal Avenue, Preston ,
Carr Hill High School is an 11-18 mixed comprehensive school and Sixth Form Centre in Kirkham, Lancashire, England.
Brentwood School

Brentwood School

Middleton Hall Lane, Brentwood ,
We are a day and boarding school with a difference - our boys and girls are taught separately until the Sixth Form so we can tailor academic teaching more specifically. All 1,100 students have the benefit of mixing socially outside the classroom, enjoying state-of-the-art facilities set in the heart of Brentwood town in Essex, surrounded by 72 acres of green playing fields and gardens. Educational innovation across all disciplines is supported by nearly 500 years of history and tradition. Brentwood has a justifiable reputation for developing flexible, creative, enterprising learners with a sound work ethic, who will be able to compete with the best of Asia, America and Europe in the 21st century. Our students understand that learning yields profound rewards for those who approach it with rigour and enthusiasm. We cultivate these qualities by teaching with genuine passion in a stimulating environment. Our school motto, ‘Virtue, Learning, Manners’ was coined for the School in 1622 by John Donne, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral and one of England’s finest poets. These words are still our guiding principles today and are founded on Christian values that are inclusive and full of warmth. We are a friendly and down-to-earth community that enjoys its diversity.
Surrey & Hampshire HGV Training ltd.

Surrey & Hampshire HGV Training ltd.

Hook Farm, London Road, Hook ,
Surrey & Hampshire HGV Training are based in Hook, Hampshire and Chobham, Surrey. We provide the highest quality of HGV training in the area with the highest pass rates. Private reversing area for hassle free reversing.
Murrayburn Primary School, Edinburgh, UK

Murrayburn Primary School, Edinburgh, UK

Sighthill Loan, Edinburgh ,
The School community at Murrayburn celebrate their traditions but embrace positive change. Our core values • Respect for self and others • Inclusion • Supportive environment for all • Developing capacity to be a life long learner


Britannia Terrace, Houghton le Spring ,
Find out information about the School and Daycare. Make sure to follow us on twitter and check the school calendar regularly.
Estudia en Oxford, Inglaterra.

Estudia en Oxford, Inglaterra.

29 sur 913 Col. La Paz Puebla MEXICO., Oxford ,
Por fin te habrimos las puertas desde tu pais MEXICO, tu pase es directo para que aprendas o perfecciones el ingles viviendolo, aqui en Inglaterra, en la mejor escuela del mundo.
Woodleigh School

Woodleigh School

Langton Hall, Langton ,
Thank you for reading our Facebook page. We would like to invite you and your child to see what Woodleigh has to offer. Please contact the secretary to arrange a visit, lunch, and free taster day.
Leicester University Criminology society 2011/2012

Leicester University Criminology society 2011/2012

Leicester University, Leicester ,
who we are!! Keira - President Matt- Vice President Laura- Secretary Jenny- Publicity Jas- Treasurer Alessandro/Eddie- sports secs. Dan/Liam- Social secs. What to expect from the society this year? AMAZING BAR CRAWLS!- by far the best at the uni!! (so we say!) guest speakers prison walks days out- paintballing/alton towers! christmas party! Leicester criminals football team etc etc etc.... The committee are currently putting together all their fantastic ideas ready for the new term. We look forward to seeing you all at the international fair, freshers fair and during your department talk during your first week! you'll be able to join the society then and get to know our lovely lovely members!! Remember- you dont have to be a criminology student to join the society!! Course Reps: 1st year-James 1st year-Samantha 2nd year- Ellie Woods 3rd year-Sarah
LT School

LT School

Londono šiaurės vakarinėje dalyje, Pinner vietovėje, stovinti didžiulė mokykla, skirta mokytis Anglijos piliečiams. Pravėrę vieno iš angliškos mokyklos pastato duris – nustebsite... Čia kiekvieną šeštadienį girdisi lietuviška kalba – aiški ir daininga, rami ir turtinga. Ir jau treti metai mokyklos koridoriais skuba tėvai vedini įvairaus amžiaus vaikais. Su dideliu tikėjimu ir pagarba vaikams jie ateina galvodami apie ateitį. Giliau suprasti lietuvių kalbą, tradicijas ir papročius, žinoti savo šalies istoriją ir gėrėtis gamta – tai turtas, kurio nenupirksi už jokius pasaulio pinigus. Jie rūpinasi, kad vaikams, įsisukusiems į naujausių įvykių ir rūpesčių verpetą Anglijoje, būtų lengviau nepamiršti tautos šaknų, kad natūraliau įaugtų į tautos kultūrinę terpę, kad susidraugautų ir norėtų kalbėti lietuviškai. Daugeliui mokinių, seniau gyvenančių ir besimokančių angliškose mokyklose, tėvų kalba tampa truputį‚ "murzinesnė“. Daugeliui tenka lietuvių kalbą iš naujo atrasti, mokytis vos ne kaip antrąją kalbą. O patiems mažiausiems ji tokia sunki ir nesuprantama. Juk su močiutės pasakomis, su motinos lopšine, visu kūrybiniu tautos paveldu ji ateina į mažo vaiko širdį. Visada džiugu girdėti pradedančius kalbėti trumpais sakiniais, reiškiančius savo mintis, nebijančius kalbėti ir suklysti. Puikiai suprantame, kad savo pavyzdžiu ir taisyklinga vartosena taisome vaikų kalbą. Skatindami bendrauti su kitais prisimename, kad kalbos mokomės veikdami, turtindami savo mokėjimus ir gebėjimus. Tai trunka ne vienerius metus. Didelė atsakomybė tenka ne tik mokytojams, mokyklos vadovams, bet ir mokinių tėvams. Tame ugdymo procese dalyvauja kiekvienas, nuo mažiausio iki seniausio, tiek šeimoje, tiek bendraamžių, bei bendraminčių rate: kultūrinė raiška priklauso nuo mūsų pačių. Gal todėl ir skuba šeštadieninėn mokyklėlėn mokyklos vadovai su didžiulėmis dėžėmis mokomosios medžiagos, priemonių darbui, žaislų, kad susirinkę Lietuvos vaikai galėtų keliauti į dar iki galo nepažintą, bet savą ir mylimą tėvų kraštą. Mokinių ištarti žodžiai: “mes labai laukiame kitų mokslo metų“, verčia negalvoti apie nelengvas lietuviškos mokyklėlės gyvavimo sąlygas. Mes kuriame planus ateičiai. Mūsų daug ir mes žinome, kad... „ne žemės derlingumu, ne drabužių skirtingumu, ne šalies gražumu, ne miestų ir pilių tvirtumu gyvuoja tautos, bet daugiausia išlaikydamos ir vartodamos savo kalbą, kuri didina ir išlaiko bendrumą, santaiką ir brolišką meilę"... Mikalojus Daukša