Business and Personal web pages from United Kingdom (UK) Search result

Vapour Happy

Vapour Happy

We sell electronic cigarettes at affordable price while also give you the support and advice you may need to start your new journey. check our albums for products and price and visit our website to or


24 Bridge Street, Lampeter ,
Welcome to A.J.Williams Embroidery & Printwear. We are a local business located at 24 Bridge Street, Lampeter. We have been trading as A.J.Williams since April 2012. Before this we were trading as North Lodge Signs. We decided to open up a shop to make us more accessible to the public. Customers can now come into the shop and discuss their order, anything from 1 personalized t-shirt to 1000 business uniforms. We offer a wide range of embroidered and printed personalized items, so pop into the shop to see samples of our work.
The Organic Fresh Food Company

The Organic Fresh Food Company

Unit 23, Lampeter ,
Purveyors of the finest fruit,vegetables, and good food from Wales and beyond. Shop, home delivery and wholesale.
TSDSU Volunteering

TSDSU Volunteering

Trinity Saint David University Students' Union, Lampeter ,
The Project is designed to support you in your roles within the Clubs and Societies of Trinity Saint David as well as offer you access to external voluntary programs delivered within the community. It exists to deliver the core aim of improving your skills and enhance your employability, while accrediting you for your hard work and commitment, as a volunteer, who is actively engaging their peers in a variety of activities. As part of The Project; you will have available to you a number of key support groups, training sessions and volunteer events as well as the opportunity to have your voluntary hours recognised by both the Millennium Volunteers (MV) initiative and Trinity Saint David Students’ Union. What makes The Project user-friendly is that you can choose what you are involved in, what you deliver as part of The Project and what evidence you use in order to achieve your personal goal. You design your volunteering program!
Becky's Spray Tanning

Becky's Spray Tanning

Beauty Room, Lampeter ,
Mobile Prices from £12 Salon Prices from £10
The Falcondale

The Falcondale

Falcondale Drive, Lampeter ,
A wealth of walking, cycling, fishing, and open gardens within easy reach of this central location in Wales. Why not visit the local National Trust Properties before sinking into a warm, comfy sofa in the lounge with a glass, or two, of wine from the extensive list. Follow this with lunch or dinner prepared by Mike Green’s team using only the best of ingredients from Ceredigion, Carmarthen and surrounding counties in Mid Wales. If you do not have time for lunch or dinner call by for a coffee and read the newspaper in the lounge, in the heated conservatory or on the terrace that overlooks the Teifi valley towards Lampeter. Scrumptious homemade cakes with a pot of Earl Grey are also ideal whether rain or shine. All 19 of the en-suite bedrooms are warm and comfortable with fluffy bathrobes, towels and amenities. Flat screen televisions, cordless telephones and DVD’s sit alongside the hotel’s classical Victorian features. Best rooms include one with a four-poster bed and Juliet balcony, another with a super king size bed and window seat, or how about a room with a separate dressing room area and a super king size bed? These Best rooms are the largest of the rooms with comfy sofas or armchairs and offer stunning views over the Teifi valley.
Rebelution Pizza House

Rebelution Pizza House

17 College St, Lampeter ,
Welcome to the Rebelution Pizza House! With our homemade crusts and top-quality ingredients, we're the best locally produced pizza in Wales! Looking for a romantic, delicious meal that's completely affordable? Look no further! Our options are delectable; our prices will blow your mind! Why Rebelution, you ask? We'll tell you, but you might not believe it. Our founder, way back in 2013, was an American named English living in Wales serving Italian food. If that's not rebelutionary, we don't know what is! We stand for red and black and the blood of angry men—and more importantly: homemade delicious pizza! If our delivery options aren't cheap enough for you, try our delicious range of frozen pick-it-up-yourself pizzas, and save money when you multi-buy!
Hafod Tattoo Parlour

Hafod Tattoo Parlour

17, Harford Square,, Lampeter ,
The majority of work done are custom designs unique to the customer, but flash is available in the shop. Feel free to bring in your own designs and reference, as nearly all requests can be transformed into a great looking tattoo. Portraits are a speciality.
Fruits of the Landre

Fruits of the Landre

Landre, Drefach, Lampeter ,
Vegetable plants for sale and fruit and veg when in season. Hen, duck & goose eggs.
Tai Ceredigion

Tai Ceredigion

Tai Ceredigion Cyf, Unit 4, Pont Steffan Business Park, Lampeter ,
Tîm Gweithredol Steve Jones, Prif Weithredwr Bu Steve, a ymgymerodd â’i swydd ar 27ain o Ebrill 2009, gynt yn Gyfarwyddwr Grŵp Gwasanaethau Cymunedol yng Ngrŵp Tai Pennaf yng Ngogledd Cymru. Steve Jones Mae Steve wedi bod yn gweithio ym maes tai am dros 25 mlynedd mewn nifer o swyddogaethau ar draws y wlad gan gynnwys Ynys Môn, Cyngor Dinas Sheffield a’r Alban, ar ôl iddo ennill gradd mewn Tai ym Mhrifysgol Hallam Sheffield. Y mae’n medru Cymraeg yn rhugl ac y mae wedi gwasanaethu ar nifer o gyrff tai cenedlaethol gan gynnwys Cyngor Cenedlaethol Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru. Bu Steve yn Gadeirydd Annibynnol ar bartneriaeth adfywio Caergybi Ymlaen rhwng 2005 a 2009, ac y mae ar hyn o bryd yn Gadeirydd ar Fforwm Tai Gwledig Cymru Gyfan. "Rwyf wrth fy modd o fod wedi cael fy mhenodi’n Brif Weithredwr i’r Gymdeithas Tai newydd hon, ac rwyf yn edrych ymlaen at gwrdd â chymaint ag sy’n bosib o denantiaid a lesddeiliaid yn ystod yr wythnosau a’r misoedd i ddod mewn cyfarfodydd ymgynghori ac wrth inni fynd am dro o gwmpas ystadau fel yr ydym yn cynllunio ei wneud." "Er ein bod ni i gyd wedi bod yn gweithio’n galed ar y paratoadau i greu Tai Ceredigion yn gwmni di-elw newydd, nawr, yn syth ar ôl i’r trosglwyddiad ddigwydd, ac wrth i Dai Ceredigion ddechrau darparu gwasanaethau a gwella cartrefi, y mae’r gwaith go iawn yn dechrau." Katrina Michael, Dirprwy Brif Weithredwr Mae Katrina yn ymuno â Thai Ceredigion o Dai Canolbarth Cymru lle roedd yn Ddirprwy Brif Weithredwr. Katrina Michael Mae Katrina yn gweithio ym maes tai ers dros 15 mlynedd a’i phrif swyddogaeth gyda Thai Ceredigion fydd gweithio gyda’r Prif Weithredwr i sefydlu’r gymdeithas, a hithau’n canolbwyntio ar Gyllid, TG, Rheoli Perfformiad ac Adnoddau Dynol. Mae Katrina, sy’n dysgu’r Gymraeg, yn frwd ynghylch hunangynhaliaeth ac mae’n byw ar dyddyn ger Machynlleth. Meddai hi: “Rwyf yn teimlo’n gyffrous iawn am y dechreuad newydd hwn. Mae’r addewidion a wnaed i denantiaid am safon cartrefi a gwasanaethau gyda Thai Ceredigion yn rhagorol ac yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf byddwn yn gweddnewid cartrefi.” Eleri Jenkins, Cyfarwyddwr Tai a Chefnogaeth Mae Eleri yn gyfrifol am wasanaethau rheoli tai, gan gynnwys cefnogaeth i drigolion hŷn a thrigolion ddiamddifyn. Eleri Jenkins Mae gan Eleri dros 27 mlynedd o brofiad ym mhob agwedd ar reoli tai. Mae hi wedi gweithio o’r blaen i awdurdod lleol a chymdeithas tai. “Fy mhrif orchwyl i yn ystod y misoedd nesaf fydd sicrhau trosglwyddiad rhwydd o’r Cyngor i Dai Ceredigion, gan wneud yn siŵr y gall pobl ar y diwrnod cyntaf dalu eu rhent a rhoi gwybod am atgyweiriadau. Rydym hefyd yn gweithio ar lawlyfr newydd y tenantiaid, ehangu ar y wefan hon, ac ar sut y gallwn wella gwasanaethau. Rwyf am weld tenantiaid a lesddeiliaid yn chwarae rhan wirioneddol yn y dyfodol i helpu i siapio’r ffordd y byddwn yn darparu ac yn gwella gwasanaethau tai.” Llyr Edwards, Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Eiddo Llyr Edwards yw’r Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Eiddo, gyda’r cyfrifoldeb am gynnal a chadw a gwelliannau gan gynnwys atgyweiriadau o ddydd i ddydd a’r rhaglen welliannau £40m i sicrhau bod cartrefi’n cwrdd â Safon Ansawdd Tai Cymru. Llyr Edwards Bu Llyr yn gweithio o’r blaen i Gymdeithas Tai Eryri lle yr oedd, fel Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Eiddo, yn rheoli cyllidebau o filiynau o bunnoedd ar gyfer cynnal a chadw’r cartrefi a oedd eisoes yn bodoli yn ogystal ag adeiladu rhai newydd. Mae ganddo dros 14 blynedd o brofiad yn y diwydiant adeiladu a chynnal a chadw ac mewn swyddogaethau blaenorol y mae wedi gweithio ar brosiectau ledled y Deyrnas Unedig i adeiladu llety i fyfyrwyr. Mae gan Llyr radd mewn Technoleg a Rheolaeth Adeiladu, y mae’n medru’r Gymraeg yn rhugl ac yn mwynhau cerdded yn ei amser hamdden. Meddai Llyr; “Rwyf yn edrych ymlaen at yr heriadau sy’n wynebu Tai Ceredigion a’r cyfleoedd sy’n dod o fod yn rhan o dîm newydd sbon gyda sefydliad newydd sbon. Yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf mi wnawn wahaniaeth go iawn i fywydau pobl a bydd yn hyfryd cael gweithio mewn rhan mor brydferth o’r wlad.” Executive Team Steve Jones, Chief Executive Steve, who took up his post on 27th April 2009, was previously Group Director of Community Services at Pennaf Housing Group in North Wales. Steve Jones Steve has worked in housing for over 25 years in a number of roles across the country including Anglesey, Sheffield City Council and Scotland, following his Housing degree graduation at Sheffield Hallam University . He is a fluent Welsh speaker and has served on a number of national housing bodies including the Community Housing Cymru National Council. Steve was Independent Chairman of Holyhead Forward regeneration partnership between 2005 and 2009, and is currently Chairman of the All Wales Rural Housing Forum. "I am delighted to have been appointed as Chief Executive of this new Housing Association, and I look forward to meeting as many tenants and leaseholders as possible over the coming weeks and months at consultation meetings and on our planned estate walkabouts." "Although we have all been working hard on the preparations to create Tai Ceredigion as a new not for profit company, the real work starts now immediately after the transfer has taken place, and when Tai Ceredigion starts delivering services and improving homes." Katrina Michael, Deputy Chief Executive Katrina joins Tai Ceredigion from Mid-Wales Housing where she was Deputy Chief Executive. Katrina Michael Katrina has worked in housing for over 15 years and her main role with Tai Ceredigion will be to work with the Chief Executive to establish the association, concentrating on Finance, IT, Performance Management and Human Resources. Katrina, who is learning Welsh, is keen on self-sufficiency and lives on a smallholding near Machynlleth. She said: “I’m very excited about this new beginning. The promises made to tenants about the standard of homes and services with Tai Ceredigion are excellent and over the next few years we will be transforming homes.” Eleri Jenkins, Director of Housing and Support Eleri is responsible for housing management services, including support for older and vulnerable residents. Eleri Jenkins Eleri has over 27 years of experience in all aspects of housing management. She has previously worked for a local authority and housing association. “My main tasks over the next few months will be to ensure a smooth transition from the Council to Tai Ceredigion, making sure that on day one people can pay their rent and report a repair. We are also working on the new tenants handbook, expanding this website, and on how we can improve services. I want to see tenants and leaseholders play a real role in the future to help shape how we deliver and improve housing services.” Llyr Edwards, Director of Property Services Llyr Edwards is the Director of Property Services, with the responsibility for maintenance and improvements including day to day repairs and the £40m improvement programme to ensure homes meet the Welsh Quality Housing Standard. Llyr Edwards Llyr previously worked for Cymdeithas Tai Eryri where as Director of Property Services he managed multi-million pound budgets for both the maintenance of existing homes and the building of new ones. He has over 14 years experience in the building and maintenance industry and previous roles have seen him work on projects throughout the UK building student accommodation. Llyr has a degree in Building Technology and Management, is a fluent Welsh speaker and enjoys walking in his free time. Llyr said; “I’m looking forward to the challenges that face Tai Ceredigion and the opportunities that come from being part of a brand new team with a brand new organisation. Over the next few years we will make a real difference to people’s lives and it will be lovely to work in such a beautiful part of the country.”
Naturesbase Family Camps

Naturesbase Family Camps

Tyngwndwn, Cilcennin, Lampeter ,
Our campsite is a little different to most campsites in the UK, 10 pitches set in 9 acres of flower rich meadows, surrounded by native trees, with buzzards and kites overhead on the edge of a village. With a meandering stream and hedgerows ablaze with wildlife, this is a truly natural Welsh haven for you to experience nestled between the Cambrian mountains and the Cardigan coast. We believe in providing a quality uncrowded site where adults can relax and enjoy the open countryside whilst children enjoy the rugged excitement nature has to offer.
Reflexology with Annie

Reflexology with Annie

Pentrefelin Cottage, Cellan , Lampeter ,
Annie is a fully qualified member of Professional Reflexology and the Association of Reflexologists and is registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council. Please visit for more details.