Safe and Sound childcare Ofsted registered Childminder Darwen
Safe and Sound Childcare is a Darwen based child minding service providing child minding for children between the ages of 0 and 11 years old. Childcare is provided from our home based childcare setting located within a quiet culde-sac within the Darwen area of Lancashire. Childcare is provided between the hours of 7am and 7pm by two Ofsted registered child minders.
We are both fully qualified and experienced child minders, who have been working within the childcare field, for the past eleven years and have experience of working within a variety of childcare settings and within a variety of different roles, as follows. We have worked within an Out of School Club, as a play worker, deputy manager and manager, within a nursery as a nursery nurse, within a youth club as a youth worker, within a school as a teaching assistant. We also have experience of babysitting and have previously worked as a child minder. The child care qualifications we hold are up to Bsc Honours level. We have also completed the sector endorsed Foundation Degree in Early Years.
Within our Darwen based child minding setting, we charge by the hour therefore ensuring complete flexibility for parents. We also do not have set patterns of attendance, therefore enabling parents to choose their own hours. Child care is provided between the hours of 7am and 7pm. All of our child minding fees include food and drink. Your child will be provided with breakfast dinner and tea.
For more information please visit our childminding website at